Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Welcome To Cartel Watch

Corruption. Slander. Deception – Trinidad and Tobago is ripe with various business interests that do not operate in a manor consistent with an acceptable ethical standard. More true to any other sector in Trinidad is the Construction Industry. The construction industry is vital to the future of Trinidad and Tobago, yet it is one of the most dysfunctional. For too long, greedy contractors and self-interested labor unions have kidnapped our economy. Their leaders have become very adept at manipulating the truth. They must be stopped and the truth must be known. The problems facing Trinidad will only be resolved by dispelling these rumors.

A vibrant construction industry is crucial to spur economic growth, improve our quality of life, and insure the future our children and grandchildren deserve. Many construction companies and contractors stand in direct opposition to our development goals and the public good.

Price Fixing. Sub-standard quality. Projects over budget and late for delivery. All the while, they cast blame on politicians and policy makers. These contractors have consistently broken their promises and they must be held accountable. Over the next few months, Cartel Watch will seek to expose these dishonest businessman and their corrupt friends.