Monday, February 22, 2010

Jack Warner: The Colossus of Cartel

Jack Warner has so much money and so much power that he operates like rules, laws, morals and ethics do not even apply. Jack Warner is a Colossus of Cartel.

Whether in sport or in politics, Mr Warner re-defines the modern cartel. Crooked he may be, but he is no common crooked politician. He is not even a common corrupt sporting official. Jack Warner has risen above these centuries-old models of self-aggrandizement and self-interest, to become something even more powerful.

Like the Colossus of Rhodes of ancient times, this Colossus of Cartel stands on two sturdy legs with two formidable arms and a determination to terrify all within his reach for his own benefit and most often at the detriment of the average hard working Trini. Warner, Colossus of Cartel, stands on legs of incalculable wealth. His right arm is the 35 FIFA votes of North America, Central America and the Caribbean that he is rumored to have sold many times over to the highest bidder. His left arm is the entire UNC party apparatus that he controls like a puppet master. His shield is the media. Warner the Colossus rules by fear.

This is where Cartel Watch believes Jack Warner stands out in a crowd of the corrupt. Warner is not merely reliant on money for influence. And he is not hamstrung by crude violence as a tool for inspiring fear. With his unmatched ability to giveth and taketh away 35 FIFA votes and his ability to give and taketh away political power at a whim, he positions himself to build up or destroy anything or anyone he pleases. Even if its the reputation of his beloved country of Trinidad and Tobago.

If the Colossus of Cartel can control the most popular sport in the world, what else is there? Neither the President of the United States, nor the Secretary General of the United Nations could twist an arm like Jack Warner. Word has it that Barack Obama’s visit to Trinidad and Tobago had as much to do with appeasing the Colossus of Cartel as it did international diplomacy. Cartel Watch wonders if Jack Warner is beyond control. It is left to the people and the blogosphere to stand up to the Colossus. We call for an Inquiry into the real workings of the Colussus of Cartel, Jack Warner, and we demand an indictment.

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