Sunday, April 4, 2010

Playing The Political Game at The Expense of Justice

Attorney General John Jeremie believes that we should investigate the accuser before we investigate the accused.

AG Jeremie has made it clear that whomever made the allegation against Dr Keith Rowley is more important than the truth of the case. If someone he does not like or trust has made an allegation, he is allowed to ignore it because of the source.

Cartel Watch is more than willing to stand up to the Attorney General and remind him of his sworn duty. It is John Jeremie's job to investigate ALL serious allegations of corruption, regardless of source. Cartel Watch finds it much too hard to believe that an AG could make such a vapid statement in a day and age when new investigations are flying in our faces every day. If you'll notice, most every investigation in the last 10 years came from leaked information from one aggrieved party against another. Imagine that!

Tell us, Mr Jeremie - you can not investigate a claim unless it is a "friend" who leaks such allegations and not an enemy? WHAT?

What matters is not who alleged the crime but whether it is actually a crime! Jeremie and the DPP and the Police and the ACIB and the Commissions and the Association of Artistes and the Anti-Canadian League can chase old "blue eyes" Calder Hart all over the world because his fax was used by a private company... or his wife had relatives involved in a company that won a UDeCOTT contract... on and on... but allegations of a former Minister skimming our billions in the very same contracts can not be investigated when even more damning evidence is exposed? Simply because AG Jeremie doesn't like the source of the leak?

Sure, Trinidad and Tobago is a small island. And we don't claim to be the most sophisticated country in the world, but this is simply idiotic.

AG Jeremie had better get one thing straight: protecting Keith Rowley "just in case" is not as smart a political move as he thinks it is. Playing the political game at the expense of Justice will come back around to bite him. If the UNC wins power, Mr Jeremie may find himself catching a last-minute flight to Florida too.

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