Thursday, June 30, 2011

Is Kamla Covering Corruption???

Despite damning evidence to the contrary, PM Kamla Persad-Bissessar said recently that not enough information has been obtained to condemn Sasha Mohammed for allegedly issuing a threatening email to Express editor-in-chief Omatie Lyder and reporter Anna Ramdass.

On June 17, police issued Mohammed a warning after a probe uncovered that the e-mail originated from her home computer.

Lady PM – how can you allow this to happen under your nose?

Better still, Kamla defended the ever-more-disgraceful Jack Warner with the same logic saying, "People are asking what is the difference with Mary King and Sasha Mohammed and Jack Warner. The difference is with Mary King that information was within our reach, we could find it, it was in our jurisdiction and we got statements and got the evidence but with respect to Warner and Mohammed it is not in reach of our knowledge.”

It would seem to me that local police evidence is within the PM’s reach, would it not?

The FIFA ethics committee found “comprehensive, convincing and overwhelming evidence” that Jack initiated and arranged a special meeting of the CFU member associations for Mr. Bin Hammam where he handed each of the member associations an envelope containing 40,000 dollars.

Do you not trust an international governing body, Lady PM? Are you unable to use your seat of power to investigate FIFA’s allegations here in TT? Does the international community and integrity mean anything to you?

Breathe deep, people. We at Cartel Watch have smelled this before. It’s the stench of corruption that shadows Jack, Sasha and based on her recent response, perhaps even Kamla Persad-Bissessar.

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