Monday, June 20, 2011

Jack Say It Ain't So

Earlier today, Jack Warner, prominent businessman, self-proclaimed statesman of Trinidad and Tobago, and current Minister of Public Works, resigned in disgrace as FIFA Vice President after weeks of formal investigations, promises of transparency and global speculation. This is a story the Cartel Watch team has been following for years.

Could all these times you have been denying corruption be more lies.

With such allegations of corruption swirling around bribes, ticket sales, and vote buying, does this mean your involvement in the Prime Minister’s election wasn’t on the up and up? Were you involved bribery and corruption in current Trinidad politics as Minister? As a party leader? Was there vote buying last year during our good Prime Minister Kamla’s election? Was any of this corrupt FIFA money used for election purposes?

Cartel Watch demands a suspension of your credentials in Parliament, as the Minister of Public Works and in all your current political involvement. We also are eager for an immediate investigation by the DPP into these new allegations?

To be continued…..

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