Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Oh, Dr. Rowley… Where does one begin?

His politics have quickly fallen into a bi-polar pattern of holy-than-thou grandstanding and tail-betwixt-his-legs groaning.
In last week’s papers he has a real go at sport and only makes himself sound silly. Here he is faulting the sporting ministry for attempting to repair and make good on old faulty business practices of the past, when only a few months ago he was a minister of this government and in real position to address any real “problems.”

So where is the real problem? Is it with the Ministry or the Minister of Sport? Or is it really with Keith Rowley, now spurned by the PNM and supported by his construction mogul pal Emile Elias? (Does anyone wonder how frustrated Mr. Elias must be by the new ethical contracting procedures of the Ministry of Sport?)

As far as third-world Elias is concerned, Rowley is finally in the perfect position to play the concerned public servant when we all know that a real leader and a real patriot would have done so much more than carp from the sidelines.

Which brings us to the other side of Dr Rowley’s two-sided politics these days. When he’s not gazing down upon his former colleagues in the cabinet, casting aspersions, there he sulks in the corner… a lowly “back-bencher”. He claims he must support the TTRA, for… what in heaven’s could a back-bencher possibly do?

A leader speaks up! That’s what. Oh, but perhaps Rowley’s silence on the TTRA matter reveals that Mr Elias is showing his tacit support for the TTRA. Elias is keeping his attack dog quiet on the matter. (Note to self: find out what Elias has to gain from new TTRA!)

At least during Carnival we will get a break from Rowley’s near constant bickering and complaining. Maybe a few of whining will do him some good, and remind him that a public servant’s duty is to act – and act in the interest of all – not just for his and his associates’ interests.

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