Monday, February 1, 2010

What ya been hearin round town, Carl Khan? How much you been paid.

It’s funny what one overhears when one listens carefully these days. A lot of buzz about Carnival. Of course. A little talk about Haiti, UNC elections and de UDeCOTT. But the most interesting chatter of all floated my way over a nice little piece of fish near Freeport: Carl Khan, the humble chicken farmer, doesn’t testify for free. [Put down fork and perk up, Cartel Watcher!] I couldn’t believe my ears until the details started flooding in from this loud and conspicuous chatterbox.

Mr Khan, the humble chicken farmer and Sherrine Hart’s ex-husband, hasn’t quite got over lost love. Mr. Elias, kingpin, hasn’t quite got over billions in lost contracts. And there was Dr Keith Rowley, so faithfully, who hasn’t quite got over his fall from power. What a powerful alliance they’ve formed against de Government. What an influential pact they’ve signed to build themselves up and tear their enemies down. It’s a shame that Carl Khan, the humble chicken farmer, appears to have become a well-paid puppet in all this activity. Hell hath no fury like a chicken farmer scorned, they say!

Minding my own and enjoying my fish, I’m treated to a university-level course in scandal about Elias, Khan and Rowley. This Cartel Watcher may start taking lunch in Diego Martin in order to pick up more news on Rowley and his pals. Maybe we'll find out just how much Carl Khan is paid for such blatant disregard for the truth. We will keep our ears listening, and let’s hope we don’t end up like Ganga Singh!


  1. Cartel Watch, I have been reading your comments in the Guardian webchat and always wondered if you were impartial. Your blog today answers that question. Let me assure you that Carl Khan have not been paid by anyone, encouraged by anyone, manipulated by anyone or even had discussions with anyone. His decision to furnish the COE with information which he had as a result of his former marriage was based purely on doing the right thing. Given your quest for truth and justice why is that so difficult for you to come to terms with. Clearly that busybody which is no doubt in your mind knows absolutely nothing about him, in fact it sounds as though upon assembly the waste orifice was placed at the input.


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Cartel Watch, before you continue your slander against a model citizen who has responded to the cry of his country,consider the following:

    1. Calder Hart's fax number "624-8239" appeared on the correspondence and rubber stamp of C. H. Development and Company (CHDC). Hart claimed it was Agard (CEO of UDeCOTT) who sent him the fax to 624-8239, regarding the CHDC-MLA tender because he was home sick. Agard in sworn unchallenged testimony (on COE's website) said" I never personally faxed correspondence concerning this project to Mr. Hart at 624-8239".

    2.In a CHDC letter to Hart dated 25 October 2004, where CHDC thanks Hart for inviting them to apply to UDeCOTT for projects, CHDC claims they are a subsidiary of Sunway (letter on COE's website and annexed to Khan's testimony}. The following information taken of Reuters clearly shows that CHDC had prevaricated in the aforementioned letter and they were in-fact purchased by Sunway on 27 Jan. 2005 which is after tenders were considered for the Ministry of Legal Affairs Tower. This also implicates Sunway in the whole corrupt scheme of bid-rigging and subterfuge.
    Sunway Holdings Incorporated Berhad announced that Sunway Construction Sdn Bhd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, has on January 27, 2005, acquired three shares, representing 100% of the issued and paid-up share capital of C.H. Development And Construction Limited at a total consideration of Trinidad and Tobago Dollars 10,000 (equivalent to RM6, 000).

  4. Ben,
    Thank you for your interest and this clarification. I welcome the spirited debate and encourage others to do the same. I also encourage others to post what they hear in public or know about illicit operations by dirty businessman, corporations and piss poor citizens with a vested interest in spreading lies and decite. Cartel Watch in fact does remain objective and seeks to get to the bottom of all issues in theis country - particularly the construction industry.

    While you attack my post, which I might add was a reprint of an overheard conversation, you also print unsubstantiated information that is the opinion of one. You yourself are much more partial than objective in nature. Ben, I encourage you to remain a reader, invite others and offer future input often. Thank you again for being an avid reader and we look forward to upholding the evils of society.

    Cartel Watch.

  5. Cartel Watch, I find your position on my printing unsubstantiated information which is the opinion of one, as you say to be partial and less objective compared to you printing "an overheard conversation", ludicrous.

    You conveniently ignored my second post which has very substantive information about the subterfuge involving, Hart, CH the Fax number and Sunway which strange enough is information coming from UDeCOTT's submission to the COE.

    My main message in case it was lost on you is STOP SLANDERING PEOPLE!!!

  6. I see despite tremendous effort on your part to spin and slander people, your corrupt party was decimated at the polls. Your foolish leader let 2 foreigners and their charlatan prophetess embezzle billions of our dollars. I hope people like you come to terms with the realities of the massive fraud that was perpetrated and repent. Thank God, the majority of people in this country moved to rescue our beloved country. I say shame on you.
