Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Who is Watching the Watchmen?

Journalism is a right and noble profession to which we look for truth, justice and accountability.

A robust news media operating freely in society allows us to expect transparency and responsibility from our leaders, our law makers, our law enforcers, our courts and ourselves.

Cartel Watch cringes over something we read in the papers every single morning. Over the past 4 days, we’ve been treated to cringe-inducing tripe from nearly every outlet regarding some construction project up in Arima.

And it’s all with thanks to Sasha Mohammed. She is an embarrassment to her profession, and Cartel Watch dearly wishes we had the opportunity to tell her so personally. CCN TV6 should sack her immediately along with the producers who have aided and abetted her years of pathetic “journalism”.

We know she’s a mistress of an opposition MP -- Paging Dr. Gopeesingh -- Paging Dr. Gopeesingh --we know she’s bought and paid for. Look at the front page of today’s Express promoting her upcoming report on the “Fall” of Panday. Do we doubt that her lover was involved in the back-stabbing hack job to eliminate old Bas? Do we doubt that her story will quote handfuls of uncited sources and include all sorts of privileged and unsubstantiated information? It’s a matter of course for Sasha.

Take the latest case of the church: is it only Cartel Watch who notices that there is not one single first-hand source for her latest supposed controversy? Her most recent concocted episode of “who said/who built/who didn’t say” is certainly filling up the white space in our beloved TT dailies, yet we’ve seen less than a shred of evidence to prove any of the statements and allegations Sasha has made.

What have we seen so far with we eyes? A photo of the construction site! A photo mysteriously and ominously “delivered” to Jack Warner.

(Yes, THAT Jack Warner.)

What sort of story can we derive from a photo of a concrete pylons on a dirt field? Just dip into Sasha’s imagination and find out!

On second thought, don’t. You will emerge stupider after the exercise and I do not want to be held liable for the damages.

Our only question is, please, Sasha, tell us: did anyone see fairies placing the cornerstone of the church?

Now based on Sasha's poor performance we have to watch the cascading (or is it snowballing?) effects of substandard journalism. One newspaper reports what another newspaper has reported from another newspaper which draws its information from a television station's previous reporting.

Anybody catch that? Not a single source of real verifiable information.

This is the worst kind of journalism and beneath all of us. The editors and journalists should be embarrassed. If they have a real story, they should report it the right way: with sources.

Alas, this is what we are subjected to from the sad-sack news media in this country. There appears to be no expectation of professionalism, ethics or accountability in the news media, and the people suffer. There are some bright spots in the dark sky, such as William Lucie-Smith who writes commentary in the Express, but we must expect more objectivity and more factual reporting.

The TT media must hold themselves to a higher standard or we face nothing but perpetual Third World status from now into eternity. Trinidad and Tobago deserve better. Trinidad and Tobago must be better.

Tell the editors and the producers and the politicians and anyone who will listen: we will not be led on a masquerade to hell by Sasha Mohammed, Ria Taitt, Andre Bagoo and the other bought-and-paid-for journalists of this country.


  1. The purpose of the media is to alert the population. The facts that were put out there are:

    1) there is a church being built
    2) it is being built by a chinese contracor

    Personally i would not have known about this church if it had not been mentioned in the papers by these "rumor mungoring" journalists.
    It is up to the public to form their own judgements. Weren't you happy to have been alerted of this church ?

  2. Thanks for your contribution vybez. We value reader participating in the debate, and you are absolutely correct that the media exist to "alert" the population.
    Cartel Watch believes that the biased editorial commentary presented by Sasha Mohammed is more an attempt at "connecting dots" than a reporting on important facts. The job of a journalist at it's most basic, is to answer who, what, where, when, why and how. Answer these six simple questions and you have a news report. What Sasha Mohammed has done is to create a sensationalist media firestorm by presenting a report in which she has really only answered what: a church and where: Guanapo. She is completely unfamiliar with objective reporting to tell a story through facts. Real journalists supported their stories with evidence and sources. Her brand of journalism insults our intelligence and pre-judges situations.
    She is simply a poor excuse for a journalist, because her entire self-centered career is based upon unethical and unprofessional connections she has built with the opposition party and other wealthy, powerful interests in this country. She could not care less about the noble pursuit of truth.
    Sasha, Andre Bagoo and Ria Taitt (and their editors and producers) act as mouthpieces for the individuals and cartels that keep this country down -- the interests that squash competition, distort markets and take advantage of the people.
    Please keep a watchful eye for these cartels and these interests, and keep coming back to see them exposed at Cartel Watch.
