Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Rowley Limin wit Elias

Cartel Watch always finds it interesting to note what kind of company the wealthy and powerful keep. This weekend we were witness to the political and social pairing of the decade.

It will come as no surprise for you, dear reader, to hear that a good mix of the elite mingled and wined the night away at the immortal Brian Lara's home Sunday night, where Mr Lara may have set a new world record for hospitality.

Who were the most powerful among the mix, you ask?

Eagerly indulging in Mr Lara's kindness were two of Cartel Watch's least favorite power players: Mr Emile Elias and Dr Keith Rowley. Each with an entourage, of course.

One can only imagine how it steams Elias to show up at Mr Lara's home, knowing his companies were passed over to build the Brian Lara Cricket Academy. Elias must lay awake at night wishing he could lord that beautiful stadium over Mr Lara and all the rest of us. At least we know Brian Lara doesn't need Elias' crooked money. Dr Rowley, on the other hand...

Rowley and Elias! That pair show no compunction about rubbing elbows right out in the open!
Sipping cognac (a nice tall Hennessy for Dr Rowley) and gazing down their noses at one and all.

They won't even do us the favor of keeping their dirty deals in private. They must think we blind!

Are they so disdainful of the people?

Are they so sure they can get away with it?

Cartel Watch will not stand for it. The people of Trinidad and Tobago will not stand for it!

We have had enough of the insider deals from Elias and his cronies. We are not afraid to expose the corruption.

We believe Trinidad and Tobago deserves better.

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