Monday, March 1, 2010

Jack Warner Selling Indulgences

Photo by Marie-Lan Nguyen, Wikimedia Commons.

The fine English people are being forced to worship at Jack Warner’s altar. They committed the Cardinal Sin of proposing a strong World Cup bid without first obtaining Jack Warner’s blessing.

And the wages of Sin are getting expensive these days.

First, the fine English people are subjected to public castigation and scorn by the Caribbean Colossus of Cartel.

Then, they make an offering to appease the Colossus, which is vehemently rejected.

Next, they are made to publicly bow and scrape and display their proper respects to Him.

Relief washes over in an awesome way, as it appears the World Cup bidders finally found the favor of Jack Warner!

Yet, we learn today that forgiveness from the Almighty Colossus of Cartel has a cost – because Jack Warner demands steep payments to absolve original sin.

Indulgence #1: $330,000 for wine and food and entertainment of the Colossus and his Court.

Indulgence #2: $500,000 more for the Colossus to build a playground for his subjects.

AMEN! You are forgiven!

But there is more to this pitiful story. Jack Warner, the ultimate corrupt politician, has found a way to get his dirty name plastered on a shiny new sports complex, have his… hand… kissed by world leaders, AND finance the patronage of UNC voters without spending a dime of his own money.

Warner’s England FA-financed gala featured none other than his newest political puppet, Kamla.

From left David Dein, International Chairman -England’s 2018 Bidding Committee, Barbara Dein, Opposition and UNC Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar and CFU president Jack Warner share a light moment at the CFU dinner to kick off the 33rd Congress in the Ballroom of the Hyatt Regency Hotel Friday night. Photo Sean Nero.

We demand an investigation into Jack Warner’s blatantly illegal funding of UNC party activity through the FIFA apparatus. We hold England blameless in this debacle, but Jack Warner can not be allowed to use his international network of crooked football cronies to meddle in the internal political affairs of Trinidad and Tobago.

The media will continue to smile and ignore Jack Warner’s obvious fraud. The castrated media may never stand up to the sleaze of the Colossus, but Cartel Watch will continue to call out his corruption!

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