Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What is Elias Afraid of?

Cartel Watch reads the news of investigations every day with great interest. Whether it's UDeCOTT, Piarco, Panday, Rowley, Hart, or Elias - Cartel Watch believes that the bright light of public scrutiny is crucial to the future of TT.

That's why it's a shame that Emile Elias is trying to silence and intimidate the man charged with the forensic investigation of the Landate scandal.

This sort of behaviour is sadly typical of the wealthy and powerful cartels in TT. This childish letter ("Dear Bob...") is simultaneously a clear case of arrogant intimidation (I know where you live, Bob, and I'll prove it in the papers) and also a case of a frightened plea (Come on, Bob, just take the word of the disgraced Integrity Commission. Sure, they were dismissed, but we should still trust their investigations of little old me.)

Publicly intimidating his enemies and publicly begging for mercy. How sad that we consider this front page news, and the Guardian report says not a word about why the investigation is underway.

The original Commission of Enquiry in the matter specifically recommended a forensic investigation of the Landate scandal. The COE did not go so far as to lay guilt or blame on Elias or Rowley because that is not their role. But the Commission report damn sure called for an investigation of Grand Larceny - to the tune of TT $50,000,000.

Elias cleverly positions himself as concerned for the waste of taxpayer dollars as a result of these investigations. Really, Mr. Elias? You're accused of stealing $50 million from the people of this country and you expect us to let you go free? We will gladly pay the cost of finding the truth. The newspapers and broadcasters in this country are a perpetual motion machine fed by the purest form of energy known to media: INVESTIGATION!

Sure, they can be politically motivated or the result of a vendetta. (Sound familiar, Carl Khan?)

But at the heart (or if you're a clever newspaper editor: Hart!) of it, we seek the truth.

What ARE you afraid of, Mr Elias?

We know you have little regard for the people's money. You unapologetically absconded from Scarborough Hospital with tens of millions. So, please, don't treat us like fools.

Elias can keep a tally of the cost of investigating crooked business practices.

We tally the massive cost of allowing Emile Elias to steal from the public purse.

Elias has white-washed the public, so far, and he'll do anything to keep the money flowing his way.

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