Saturday, March 13, 2010


Kamla, Jack, Gopeesingh and Maharaj were caught red-handed last night enjoying the fruits of Patrick Manning's labor.

It was nice to see this gruesome foursome taking some time off from plotting the destruction of Mr Manning and anyone who gets in their way.

Well... maybe that's exactly what they were doing last night.

It's hard to tell, because when the putrid posse made their grand entrance at the Hyatt, they found no tables available at the packed outdoor bar and were funneled away to the empty dining room. Maybe they expected their subjects to rise and offer up 4 thrones??

Cartel Watch enjoyed watching their bubbles burst - and we find this significant for two main reasons:

1- the new Hyatt - second highest grossing in the region - is a resounding success and Port of Spain's #1 place to see and be seen.

2- Jack Warner might be able to buy dozens of FIFA votes and world leaders may bow at his feet , but he and his cronies can't get a table at Patrick Manning's Hyatt!

Beware of their false indignation over government development projects, my friends. Cartel Watch will continue to expose the corruption and hypocrisy of Warner and his pals.

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