Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Emile Elias: Corrupt. Incompetent. Bad Listener?

Well, in case you missed it, yesterday was the saddest day of poor Emile Elias' life.
Cartel Watch thinks the only reason he could possibly be sad is that he sees the end of his cartel coming nigh.

If you read the Prime Minister's quote properly or listened to it carefully - any thinking person can understand that he was not "declaring" a war, but making an analogy about the state of play in Construction vs The People of This Country.

The Construction Cartel in this country is corrupt and, relatively speaking, incompetent. They don't follow building codes. Mikey Joseph admitted this on morning radio this week. They can't build buildings over 5 storeys. They overcharge and chronically underperform.

The Government of TT - on a huge development push - shouldn't have to be held ransom by Elias and his goons just because they're the only game in town!

Bring in the competition! Bring in companies who will actually invest in their workforce! Bring in contractors who know how to properly manage a project and get. it. done.

THREE YEARS for local contractors to build a simple police station. Foreign contractors managed the NAPA project and finished it in 8 months.

The difference in performance is attributable directly to corruption and incompetence from Emile Elias and his ilk. They moan and whine and wave their arms when Government refuses to put up with it. They are so blinded by their resistance to change that they can not even hear properly. It is the Construction Cartel that has declared the war. Mr. Manning is simply pointing it out and refusing to bend to their will. Good for him.

Meanwhile, Emile Elias is near tears. Poor old guy. Maybe it's time for him to retire to the Caymans where his crooked company his based. No one could expect him to perform at his age anyhow.

If he needs something to cheer him up, we're happy to report that a competent foreign contractor is cleaning up his impossible mess at Scarborough Hospital

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