Thursday, March 25, 2010

Taking a Real Look at Rowley's Accounts

Part 2

Cartel Watch is following media reports and comments from Dr. Rowley and the Attorney General.

And regardless of actual proof, the details and specifics in the public domain are hard to deny. Someone has obviously done their homework and such details warrant an inquiry by the Integrity Commission, and more so, the details warrant a thorough forensic investigation into the Rowley's alleged illegal activities. Here is what Cartel Watch knows to date:

Apparently there are actual account numbers, phone numbers and actual dates of transactions to and from Trinidad and Tobago accounts to accounts in the Caymans. It seems there is a lot of circumstantial evidence here pointing blame and deceit on behalf of the Rowleys. And not just a few facts, there is enough information to almost end the speculation and infer guilt.

What we do know is that there is a missing 10 million dollars from the Scarborough Hospital project. A deal that involved Emile Elias and Sharon Rowley, wife of Dr. Rowley, while he was Minister of Minister of Planning, Housing and Environment. While Dr. Rowley was Minister, why was his "good friend" Emile Elias allowed to not only bid, but be awarded a contract that he had influence over - especially when his wife, who is an attorney, was a sub contractor on the project? Regardless of the technical details, the circumstances of this award are wrong. Contracts should never be awarded in such a fashion. When a Commission of Enquiry was suggested, why did it never occurr? And adding salt to the wound, the Scarborough Hospital project isn't even complete, with no date of completion in sight.

Cartel Watch wonders, when the initial reports surfaced, why the Attorney General would denounce such an account so fast without a proper forensic investigation. From our research, we understand it takes months, if not years to obtain such information from offshore banking institutions. We also wondered how the AG managed to get such definitive data in such a short time and would it have been truly impossible that such was done legally and with proper procedures.

Even the all mighty powerful Canadian and US Governments have had extensive troubles with offshore accounts. The US Government has been fighting for years with the Swiss Government and Swiss Banks seeking access to accounts of thousands of Americans who are sheltering their funds from US taxes. The AG for Cayman could NOT possibly have gone to the bank, demanded such information and released it all in the same day or two. With thousands of accounts in 261 banking and financial institutions one has to wonder. Dr. Rowley and his wife must be thankful the banks pride themselves in secrecy and will protect their mischief at all cost. Either way, the proprietors of these banks will not easily confirm or deny that accounts exist or have ever existed. The banks' livelihoods depend on such secrecy.

We urge the newly appointed Integrity Commission to initiate a full forensic investigation into Dr. Rowley and his wife's alleged offshore banking improprieties. We also urge the AG to directly contact the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force and the just recently formed Cayman Island's Anti Corruption Commission for help in these criminal allegations.

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