Thursday, March 25, 2010

Taking a Real Look at Rowley's Accounts

Part 1

A lot of speculation has been growing over the likely existence of Dr. Keith Rowley and Sharon Riley's illegal offshore accounts in the Caymans. Doubters have threatened Cartel Watch for even speculating that such an account exists or that a forensic investigation should be held into the allegations. (Coincidentally, one of these doubters does an awful lot of conspicuous defending of Emile Elias in the blogosphere.)

At Cartel Watch, we don't think that anyone is above the law and that every allegation must be thoroughly investigated. This is why we agree with current investigation into the Calder, Sherine Hart, and Sunway affair.

As Dr. Rowley and his wife go on about their business, defensively denying that Caymans accounts exist, the debate continues to swirl. One does have to wonder, though, that if so much detailed information was reported by the media about institutions holding the alleged illegal investments, transactions, account managers and bond buys, that perhaps the allegations really are true.

While TT's record on money laundering leaves a bit to be desired, it's clear that the accounts need an independent body such as the Integrity Commission to provide a forensic investigation into such alleged mischief - maybe even the COP would take up such an investigation. There seems to be too much detailed information available for this to be a complete hoax. (Who could honestly be in a position to invent great numbers of bond purchases?)

Cartel Watch does not carry any actual proof of the accounts - only mere inside knowledge from others "in the know" and from what we read in the paper - so we can only speculate on how guilty the Rowleys might be. Regardless, we believe there should be a lot more discussion and analysis of this topic, as it is sure to foster debate for weeks to come.

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