Friday, January 29, 2010

Are Bagoo, Gopeesingh, Elias and Rowley in Cahoots?

Disgraced reporter Andre Bagoo, a supposed “newsman” for Trinidad and Tobago’s Newsday newspaper, has been at it for months and Cartel Watch wants to know if outside interests are paying him?

He’s been doing is level-best to throw the fuel of public scorn on to the sacrificial fires that Dr. Rowley, Emile Elias, and recently the UNC is building around Udecott and Calder Hart.

It is clear that Bagoo’s partners in this sinister endeavor are Dr. Rowley, Emile Elias and now more recently MP Gopeesingh. Dr. Gopeesingh who seems to be politically motivated for personal gain and now who claims to be the primary source of inside information for all things Udecott.

A simple fact search reveals Bagoo's record of wreckless and irresponsible journalism. In just the last three months, Bagoo has been pounding the pan against Udecott, mostly promoting Dr. Rowley, Emile Elias and now recently all-too-often Dr. Gopeesingh.

Oh, it got bad enough for Bagoo to receive the first-ever recommendation of banishment from Parliament. Can you imagine considering yourself fit for the profession of journalism after being caught circumventing the Justice system? Can you imagine showing your face in the newsroom after such a humiliating slap?

But fear not, Bagoo!
Dr. Gopeesingh sat on the committee to investigate your crimes! Dear Dr. Gopeesingh won’t let his precious media mouthpiece and the mouthpiece of Dr. Rowley and Emile Elias be tossed into the flames.

Let’s watch Bagoo carefully and see what more tricks he, Dr. Rowley, Emile Elias and Gopeesingh will try as the tainted Commission of Inquiry trudges on.

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