Saturday, January 9, 2010

Rowley Seeking of Vengeance Over Contracts Misguided

As the New Year begins, Rowley is back to his typical antics by alleging impropriety on the part of the Housing Development Corporation and its leaders. Rowley, in typical fashion, failed to provide any actual evidence to back up his claims and when called on it by Government Ministers– had a no comment response. However, his actions are not surprising. Rowley may face a tough few weeks ahead as business resumes in Port of Spain. As you may recall, he used similar tactics back in December during the investigation of his involvement with the Cleaver Heights scandal.

As an elected official Dr. Rowley has a duty to his constituents and the greater community of Trinidad and Tobago. Time and time again he chooses grandstanding and misguided accusations to throw the attention on his political opponents. For him, this is preferable to having the media turn its attention to his highly questionable past. However, his behavior is not productive and it does not serve his constituents or the country’s best interest well.

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