Thursday, January 7, 2010

Rowley’s Special Interest Tactics Backfiring

Rowley received much attention over his opposition to the recent property tax legislation that passed just before the new year. While even he must have known this would be a bold move, I doubt he calculated just how juvenile it was. His grandiose public display of opposition to the tax was a typical addition to his ongoing sideshow.

Rowley has substantial legislative power he could have used to amend or stop this bill had he chosen to do so. Instead he chose to use a serious issue as a political pawn, and in the face of his own party no less. The property tax was a major initiative for PNM and Rowley was every bit as part of its passing as the other representatives.

Rowley’s high-flying rhetoric do nothing to further the causes of his party, his legislature, his constituents, or his country. Diego West deserves a serious MP and not a completely self-interested actor who is forced into such behavior in order to keep the spotlight away from rumors and allegations about his own actions. Instilling fear into the people of Trinidad is far from the duty he has to serve them.

Keith Rowley, when are you going to represent the true interests of the people of Trinidad, rather than your own personal political and financial interests of yourself and your close friends like Emile Elias?

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