Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Doesn’t anyone see the blatant links between Emile Elias, Dr. Rowley and Mr. Sirju?

One doesn’t need to look too far to see the blatantly corrupt Cartel-like operation run at the helm by two individuals, Emile Elias and Dr. Rowley. While Dr. Rowley steers the main political rudder of the operation, Mr. Elias continues to both finance and act as a bullying third party – mostly for his own selfish financial gain and the gain of NHIC – his most prized company.

One such connection we would like to point out is the apparent link between Emile Elias and Kenneth Sirju. Yes, the Kenneth Sirju that is in fact a member of the Uff Commission. Apparently there is more of a connection here than meets the eye. In fact even more of a connection than the media is willing to report and the courts are willing to accept. To be precise Mr. Sirju, a partner in the engineering consultancy firm KS&P, has a strong relationship with NHIC – Mr. Elias’s primary company. This relationship is so strong that Mr. Sirju’s company subcontracts on several of NHIC’s projects. Sirju’s company also performed design services for NHIC at the Cleaver Heights development, one of the projects being examined by the Commission and Sirju was personally involved in modifying the designs relating to the retaining walls for the Cleaver Heights project.

One might just wonder, why Mr. Sirju wouldn’t disclose such a relationship during the recent Commission to Inquiry. Perhaps Mr. Sirju and Mr. Elias were trying to influence the Uff Commission…. Could they have been conspiring together to tamper with the outcome of the Commission? What was Mr. Rowley’ stake? What was Mr. Sirju, Dr. Rowley and Mr. Elias trying to cover up regarding Cleaver Heights and their true interest in these matters? We want to know and we demand an investigation to find answers now.

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