Sunday, January 10, 2010

What is the point?

While labor unions have an obligation to their members and companies must inevitably seek profits, the government should only be concerned with the execution of the best possible policy. While there has been much controversy and debate in recent years about the awarding of government contracts often times the debate is misguided. Yes there are concerns over source of labor and the competency of one contractor over another. These are serious questions that deserve honest answers. However, it is important to keep in mind the mission of UDeCOTT. Their purpose is to further the interests of all citizens of TT. The development contracts that they award inevitably benefit us all. They have no obligation to one group of citizens over another, no labor organization over another, no contractor over another. Their obligation is to the people of TT and their common, long-term goals. UDeCOTT is completely funded by tax dollars. These dollars must be spent in a manner that is most responsible and effective. Indeed, a few citizens greedy interest’s may not be served in the awarding of these contracts. However, if the contracts are awarded to the company that is most likely to deliver a high quality product, all citizens benefit in the long run. As the debate continues to rage over these issues let us keep in mind the ultimate development goals at stake and not get caught up in the short-term interests of parties with no real obligation to best serve the people of TT.

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