Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What is Rowley Hiding? Part 2

What is Rowley’s motivation for his fierce defense of Monteil and the vested interests if Elias? It is widely known that Rowley and Elias share a long-standing mutual friendship. However, I doubt friendship alone would motivate Rowley to clash with his own party. There must be some external motivation for Rowley’s actions.

Two possible scenarios have been at he heart of Port of Spain gossip for months. First and foremost many believe that Rowley is staying on the attack so that he is not placed on the defensive. There are a litany of smoldering issues from his relationship with Andre Monteil to the Cleaver Heights affair that deserve investigation. If Rowley can keep UDeCOTT and various allegations surrounding the development agency in the headlines there is simply less room for his opponents to question his actions. This is certainly not a new tactic.

The other, more sinister possibilities pertain to the rumors of financial ties between Rowley and Chairman Emile Elias of NHIC. If Rowley were, in fact, financially linked directly or indirectly to NHIC that would account for many of his past actions. However, it should be noted that no hard evidence of this has come to light.

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