Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Media Downplays True Findings of Poll

A recent poll produced by Professor Ryan on behalf of the Joint Consultative Council for the Construction Sector (JCC) is getting a lot of attention in the press. However, few are reporting for the full story and not releasing complete results. It’s common knowledge that pollsters often pander to clients to influence opinions and bias results to promote their clients’ agenda. However, it is the duty of every journalist who writes about a poll to report its true and complete findings.

Professor Ryan's poll was commissioned by the JCC in the midst of slipping numbers for Rowley, Panday and others. The poll actually shows the overwhelming belief that there are construction cartels influencing price fixing, performing illegal business practices, and influencing the political process for their own agenda. The poll, by a whopping aggregate of 65% shows that the people believe that there is “a cartel in the construction industry which rigged contract bids, and that these bids were invariably higher than those from foreign firms.” Only eleven percent “disagreed” with this notion.
It seems the people of TT know there are construction cartels influencing public opinion, fixing prices and defrauding honest hard working people. We’re not only hoping the media promotes this notion soon.

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