Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Where is Gopeesingh Going With This?

MP Gopeesingh has yet again found himself in controversy. Dr. Gopeesingh has been extremely zealous in his attempts to influence the practices and proceedings of the inquiry into UDeCOTT. He has been a very vocal critic of UDeCOTT and its leadership for quite some time. As an MP, Dr. Gopeesingh should certainly understand and appreciate the need for independence and objectivity. With so much at stake and so many unanswered questions, surely he can understand the need for the inquiry to act in an unbiased environment. UDeCOTT was designed to further the interests of all of Trinidad in an attempt to reach our long-term goals. Any entity investigating it should be given the same objective and be required to perform its duties with strict attention to detail. The issues surrounding the construction sector have already become infected with numerous political and monetary interests. Surely the last thing this investigation needs are more politicians using it as a pawn for their own interests.
Last month Gopeesingh called upon the Police Commissioner and the Director of Public Prosecutions to launch a criminal investigation of the Central Bank. The “evidence” he cited was a series of letters written by Emile Elias in which he expressed concerned over the oversight of insurance companies and their ability to cover policies (and performance bonds) taken out on various development projects.
Elias is by no means qualified to levy such judgment. As the Chairman of NH International, a major construction company Elais was simply acting in his own interest. By using the central bank managers as pawns, he was simply continuing his crusade to discredit the officials charged with overseeing the procurement process. NH International has lost bids for several major projects recently. Instead of dealing with internal issues of quality and competency Elias has decided to attack those that stand in the way of his greedy desires. As a business man Elias as the interests of his company and profits in mind, not the people of TT.
However, what is surprising about all of this is that Gopeesingh continues to rely on Elias and has been very diligent on taking up his causes before the Congress. Most recently he has attempted to interfere with the commission by condemning its witness list and dictating specific actions he deems necessary.
Dr. Gopeesingh whatever your motivation, you should be focused on representing the people of Caroni East and not Emile Elias and your friends in the construction sector.

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