Tuesday, December 29, 2009

What is Rowley Hiding? Part 1

Dr. Rowley has a long history of defending a seeming independent set of characters and speaking out passionately on an otherwise un-associated assortment of issues. There is obviously a link between these events and the actors involved.

A prime example is back in 2008 when Rowley rushed to the aid of his old-friend Andre Monteil. Monteil was accused of corruption and acting on insider information with his roles in both insurance agent CLICO and Home Mortgage Bank. Likewise, Monteil refrained from participating in any investigation of HDC contracts awarded to NHIC.

If there is in fact, a correlation, Rowely may have been covering for his friend Elias, Chairman of NHIC. While Rowley may have escaped accusations that he was at the helm of awarding contrustruction contracts. It is widely know that Monteil was, in fact responsible for this process at the helm of the Tenders Committee.

All the while, these men have led the charge for an investigation of UDeCOTT. I wonder how they would react if given the same level of scrutiny?

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