Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Tax Charade

Politics are a necessary function of sound government. Elected officials, must, from time to time, play politics in order to achieve good policy. Most citizens accept this. However, the recent ‘debate’ surrounding the new property taxes is absurd. The harsh stances on this issue are clearly aimed at driving divisions in the government and distracting citizens away from other pressing issues.

In October, Dr. Rowley turned against his own party with harsh words regarding UDeCOTT. That bit of grandstanding failed to earn him real support with people across TT and proved to be little more than political maneuvering. Although is ultimate motives are unclear, his opposition to this new tax Rowley is clearly seeking a more emotional issue with which to connect to the people. This also serves as a convenient distraction away from the controversy surrounding Cleaver Heights and other accusations dating back to his tenure as Housing Minister.

Dr. Rowley appears, however implicitly, to be aligning himself with the interests of Peoples Democracy. This group claims to be a political organization driven by those representing worker’s rights. The union leaders involved should tread with caution. If they truly seek to look after the welfare of their workers they should be careful about growing to close to Dr. Rowley. While he may prove to be a powerful ally now, time ill tell if he will stay faithful to their cause.

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