Friday, January 29, 2010

Are Bagoo, Gopeesingh, Elias and Rowley in Cahoots?

Disgraced reporter Andre Bagoo, a supposed “newsman” for Trinidad and Tobago’s Newsday newspaper, has been at it for months and Cartel Watch wants to know if outside interests are paying him?

He’s been doing is level-best to throw the fuel of public scorn on to the sacrificial fires that Dr. Rowley, Emile Elias, and recently the UNC is building around Udecott and Calder Hart.

It is clear that Bagoo’s partners in this sinister endeavor are Dr. Rowley, Emile Elias and now more recently MP Gopeesingh. Dr. Gopeesingh who seems to be politically motivated for personal gain and now who claims to be the primary source of inside information for all things Udecott.

A simple fact search reveals Bagoo's record of wreckless and irresponsible journalism. In just the last three months, Bagoo has been pounding the pan against Udecott, mostly promoting Dr. Rowley, Emile Elias and now recently all-too-often Dr. Gopeesingh.

Oh, it got bad enough for Bagoo to receive the first-ever recommendation of banishment from Parliament. Can you imagine considering yourself fit for the profession of journalism after being caught circumventing the Justice system? Can you imagine showing your face in the newsroom after such a humiliating slap?

But fear not, Bagoo!
Dr. Gopeesingh sat on the committee to investigate your crimes! Dear Dr. Gopeesingh won’t let his precious media mouthpiece and the mouthpiece of Dr. Rowley and Emile Elias be tossed into the flames.

Let’s watch Bagoo carefully and see what more tricks he, Dr. Rowley, Emile Elias and Gopeesingh will try as the tainted Commission of Inquiry trudges on.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Doesn’t anyone see the blatant links between Emile Elias, Dr. Rowley and Mr. Sirju?

One doesn’t need to look too far to see the blatantly corrupt Cartel-like operation run at the helm by two individuals, Emile Elias and Dr. Rowley. While Dr. Rowley steers the main political rudder of the operation, Mr. Elias continues to both finance and act as a bullying third party – mostly for his own selfish financial gain and the gain of NHIC – his most prized company.

One such connection we would like to point out is the apparent link between Emile Elias and Kenneth Sirju. Yes, the Kenneth Sirju that is in fact a member of the Uff Commission. Apparently there is more of a connection here than meets the eye. In fact even more of a connection than the media is willing to report and the courts are willing to accept. To be precise Mr. Sirju, a partner in the engineering consultancy firm KS&P, has a strong relationship with NHIC – Mr. Elias’s primary company. This relationship is so strong that Mr. Sirju’s company subcontracts on several of NHIC’s projects. Sirju’s company also performed design services for NHIC at the Cleaver Heights development, one of the projects being examined by the Commission and Sirju was personally involved in modifying the designs relating to the retaining walls for the Cleaver Heights project.

One might just wonder, why Mr. Sirju wouldn’t disclose such a relationship during the recent Commission to Inquiry. Perhaps Mr. Sirju and Mr. Elias were trying to influence the Uff Commission…. Could they have been conspiring together to tamper with the outcome of the Commission? What was Mr. Rowley’ stake? What was Mr. Sirju, Dr. Rowley and Mr. Elias trying to cover up regarding Cleaver Heights and their true interest in these matters? We want to know and we demand an investigation to find answers now.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

What is the point?

While labor unions have an obligation to their members and companies must inevitably seek profits, the government should only be concerned with the execution of the best possible policy. While there has been much controversy and debate in recent years about the awarding of government contracts often times the debate is misguided. Yes there are concerns over source of labor and the competency of one contractor over another. These are serious questions that deserve honest answers. However, it is important to keep in mind the mission of UDeCOTT. Their purpose is to further the interests of all citizens of TT. The development contracts that they award inevitably benefit us all. They have no obligation to one group of citizens over another, no labor organization over another, no contractor over another. Their obligation is to the people of TT and their common, long-term goals. UDeCOTT is completely funded by tax dollars. These dollars must be spent in a manner that is most responsible and effective. Indeed, a few citizens greedy interest’s may not be served in the awarding of these contracts. However, if the contracts are awarded to the company that is most likely to deliver a high quality product, all citizens benefit in the long run. As the debate continues to rage over these issues let us keep in mind the ultimate development goals at stake and not get caught up in the short-term interests of parties with no real obligation to best serve the people of TT.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Rowley Seeking of Vengeance Over Contracts Misguided

As the New Year begins, Rowley is back to his typical antics by alleging impropriety on the part of the Housing Development Corporation and its leaders. Rowley, in typical fashion, failed to provide any actual evidence to back up his claims and when called on it by Government Ministers– had a no comment response. However, his actions are not surprising. Rowley may face a tough few weeks ahead as business resumes in Port of Spain. As you may recall, he used similar tactics back in December during the investigation of his involvement with the Cleaver Heights scandal.

As an elected official Dr. Rowley has a duty to his constituents and the greater community of Trinidad and Tobago. Time and time again he chooses grandstanding and misguided accusations to throw the attention on his political opponents. For him, this is preferable to having the media turn its attention to his highly questionable past. However, his behavior is not productive and it does not serve his constituents or the country’s best interest well.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Rowley’s Special Interest Tactics Backfiring

Rowley received much attention over his opposition to the recent property tax legislation that passed just before the new year. While even he must have known this would be a bold move, I doubt he calculated just how juvenile it was. His grandiose public display of opposition to the tax was a typical addition to his ongoing sideshow.

Rowley has substantial legislative power he could have used to amend or stop this bill had he chosen to do so. Instead he chose to use a serious issue as a political pawn, and in the face of his own party no less. The property tax was a major initiative for PNM and Rowley was every bit as part of its passing as the other representatives.

Rowley’s high-flying rhetoric do nothing to further the causes of his party, his legislature, his constituents, or his country. Diego West deserves a serious MP and not a completely self-interested actor who is forced into such behavior in order to keep the spotlight away from rumors and allegations about his own actions. Instilling fear into the people of Trinidad is far from the duty he has to serve them.

Keith Rowley, when are you going to represent the true interests of the people of Trinidad, rather than your own personal political and financial interests of yourself and your close friends like Emile Elias?